Our Story
Rick Davis, Proprietor & Winemaker

What is Calstar?
We are often asked about our brand name “Calstar” and for all of you who are wondering I’m not a Cal (UC Berkeley) grad, nor is the brand named after the State of California. Calstar Cellars is named after Callie and Star, two of my wife’s studio cats (she is a ceramics artist) who were around when I was started the label in 1999. That year, after bottling wine that we stored in our back yard under a tree, both cats, but Star in particular, also selected this as the best place to hang out and watch birds while soaking up warmth. One afternoon while Lynn and I were trying to come up with a brand name and watching the cats hang out we came up with the alliterative (and memorable) name of Calstar Cellars.
Our relationship to animals is wondrous thing and we do hope that our wines find as ready a home in your hearts as these two neighborhood cats found in ours.